Premises Rules

Access to Premises

  1. Normal Business Hours are 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays.
  2. All Licensee employees and guests must provide their Premises security pass or other acceptable photographic identification to reception before entering the Premises and upon request.
  3. Guests unaccompanied by a Licensee employee must be in possession of an allocated guest pass to use the Premises.
  4. Licensees and guests must ensure that all doors and windows to their licenced Premises and the Premises generally are securely closed and locked before leaving the Premises outside of Business Hours.
  5. The Licensee may add, terminate, substitute or replace individual Licensee employees from their Licence Agreement upon reasonable prior written notice to the Premises on-site team. New or replacement Premises security pass requests will take a minimum of 24 hours to process and will be subject to additional fees.

Access to Licensed Premises

  1. The on-site team may need access to the Licensee’s Premises from time to time to undertake inspections, to test and verify the performance of systems and equipment, or to perform works. Unless in the case of emergency, the on-site team will provide reasonable prior notice to the Licensee of their intention to access the Premises which the Licensee must not unreasonably refuse.
  2. The on-site team and Licensee must work collaboratively and in a timely manner to agree suitable dates and times for access to the licensee’s Premises.
  3. In the case of emergency, the on-site team will attempt to make prior contact with the Licensee to advise the need to access the Licensee’s Premises. If contact with the Licensee cannot be made, the on-site team will notify the Licensee that the Premises have been accessed as soon as possible thereafter.
  4. The on-site team will take reasonable actions to ensure the security of the Licensee’s Premises during periods of access if the Licensee or an employee is not in attendance.


  1. Licensee employees and guests must maintain a professional environment within the Premises in terms of behaviour, language, noise levels and dress standards, free of harassment, abuse, aggravation, and intimidation. Any interference with other Licensee or guest use or enjoyment of the Premises, misconduct or foul language may result in expulsion, suspension or termination of access.
  2. Private and semi-private areas (not including reserved office suites) are provided throughout the Premises for the use of all Licensees. In the spirit of operating within a cohesive community, no shared spaces, services or amenities are to be monopolized by Licensees and their guests.
  3. All fixtures, fittings, facilities and equipment within the Premises are to be used with due care, diligence and responsibility by all Licensees employees and guests. Any damage caused through misuse, neglect or wilful behaviours and actions will result on costs being recovered from Licensees.
  4. Licensees and guests must always maintain their portion of the Premises in a clean and tidy state, and not allow the accumulation of rubbish, refuse or waste. Designated waste receptacles are available throughout the Premises for the use of Licensees and their guests.
  5. Licensees and guests who use shared spaces, communal areas and amenities must not disturb other Licensees and guests using these spaces, areas and amenities. They must ensure these spaces, areas and amenities are left clean and tidy following their use, with any waste appropriately discarded, and used crockery, cutlery, glassware and the like cleaned and returned to storage, or loaded into the kitchen dishwasher.
  6. Licensees must ensure their employees and guests who attend the Premises always wear appropriate attire.

Prohibited Activities

  1. Sleeping, sexual activity, smoking or vaping, any illicit or generally disruptive behaviour and direct customer sales of goods or services within or near the Premises are strictly prohibited.
  2. No food or beverages are allowed to be stored at the Premises overnight except in the designated refrigerators in the kitchen and pantry areas, which will be emptied and cleaned out at 4:00 pm on the last workday of each week.
  3. Guests under the age of 16 years must always be accompanied within the Premises by an adult Licensee employee or guest over the age of 18 years. The accompanying adult is responsible for ensuring that any guest under the age of 16 years does not detract from the professional atmosphere and quiet enjoyment amenity of the Premises.
  4. No bicycles or vehicles of any kind are to be brought into or kept on or about the Premises or the building except for any specifically designated area upon prior written approval of the Building Manager.
  5. No flammable, combustible, radioactive or other hazardous materials are allowed to be brought into or stored within the building or the Premises.
  6. Unless advised to the contrary, Licensees and guests must not use any fire stairs or exits for any purpose other than for emergency use.

Alterations and Repairs

  1. Licensees are not permitted to make any physical alterations or repairs to the Premises, including the installation, alteration or relocation of any locks, furnishings, fixtures or equipment, painting, nailing, drilling, affixing wall hangings, placement of any signage, floor mats, advertising or marketing materials. Any alteration or repair must be requested from and facilitated by the Premises’ on-site team. The parties will agree on costs for any requested alterations on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Any damage to the Premises caused by a Licensee or any of its employees or guests will be repaired at the Licensee’s cost.


  1. Acceptance of deliveries to the Premises may be refused for any packages over 15 kilograms or more than 120 centimetres in any dimension.
  2. No delivery or removal of any heavy or bulky packages, boxes or crates except by use of the good lifts, by appointment, upon prior written agreement and payment of any additional fees for such use if applicable.
  3. If any Licensee employee requires a service animal at the Premises, and the law requires such service animal to be permitted in the Premises, the Licensee must submit documentation of the service animal’s current vaccination history and service certification for review prior to the service animal entering the Premises. The Licensee will be solely responsible for any injuries or other damage related to the presence of any service animals brought to the Premises by its employees or guests.
  4. The Licensee will be responsible for the conduct of its employees and guests and for ensuring their compliance with these Premises Rules and the Building Rules.
  5. HVAC services outside of Business Hours are available upon request and at additional cost.